Date: AUG 1- AUG 8
Place: Hungary, Budapest, Jurányi ház, 1027 Jurányi u. 3.
Éva Duda, Andrew Hefler, Andor Rusu, Lilla Radóczi, Attila Rónai, Máté Mészáros
Moduls and prices:
1. MODUL / 2 day weekend intensive: 20 000 HUF
2. MODUL / 6 day morning classes: 40 000 HUF
3. MODUL / 6 day afternoon classes: 40 000 HUF
4. MODUL / 8 day morning classes: 50 000 HUF
5. MODUL / 8 day afternoon classes: 50 000 HUF
6. MODUL / 8 day FULL: 95 000 HUF
Make your reservation by writing to!
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EVA DUDA – choreographer, stage director, artistic director She graduated from the Hungarian Dance Academy in Budapest as a choreographer, and went on to study stage directing at the University of Arts in Targu-Mures. She started her professional career at the age of 22, and has been an independent artist since then, one who has been working with different dance and theatre companies in Hungary and abroad as well. Being a versatile artist, she is known for working in different fields of the performing arts, making various theater performances, contemporary dance pieces, impressive operas and musical shows too. She is a guest teacher at several art schools both in her homeland and abroad from the Hungarian Dance Academy to New York University Tisch School of the Arts. |
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Eva Duda: complex body On the two day intensive my aim is to warm our body to move, to open our perception, to open our mind and soul, to be open for new information and take other peoples actions. We will work on our contemporary technique, we will do some partnering, and a lot of creative work in pairs and in groups as well. We will develop not just personally, but as a part of a community. |
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ANDREW HEFLER – actor, trainer, teacher Andrew is a performer, director, trainer working in theatre, music, film and television for nearly thirty years. He was first introduced to Improvisational theatre at the age of 10 in grade school in Los Angeles. Since then he has worked with theatre groups in the US, Canada, Europe and since 1994 in his homebase of Budapest. He was a founding member of the experimental impro trio Scalabouche and later he founded Grund Theatre in 2008 developing a company and training methods for actors and shows for performance. |
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Andrew Hefler: Discovering improvisation On this 2 day intensive we will discover our skills, and find new ways and possibilities of expression. We will do special improvisation tasks for dancers to improve not just in movement but also in acting, with playful practices and tasks. Look forward to a great group experience. |
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ANDOR RUSU – dancer I started my studies at age 11, as a ballroom and latino dancer. After this period I applied for choreography studies at the University of Arts in Transylvania. After my first year I got the chance to move to Budapest supported by the Erasmus scholarschip, and started studying modern dance at the Hungarian Dance Academy. Beside the school I attended to the company trainings at the Eva Duda Dance Company, where I begin to work also in 2013. Here I had the chance to work with different artists besides Eva Duda too, such as as Gregor Lustek, Rosana Hribar, Guy Nader, Maria Campos, Quan Bui Ngoc, etc. After this long period in Budapest I joined the Swiss Cie Linga for a project, then I moved to Bremen, Germany to join the Unusual Symptoms Company, where I am in contract right now. |
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Andor Rusu: Breathing soul The class is concentrating on the breathing itself. We can easily learn moves, memorise longer choreographies. But when it comes to do a longer piece full out, we need to have the energies in the right spot, to be conscious about how we deal with fatigue, how we use our breathing to help us out when we really need it’s support. In this class we are going to investigate this strategy, how it suits all of us differently, and than applying it in a longer combination, which we will polish day by day. |
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LILLA RADÓCI – hip-hop dancer and teacher Lilla Radóci is one of the most popoulat teacher and dance of R3D ONE Dance Community. She studied modern and contemporary dance, besides hip-hop styles. In 2010 started to take hip-hop classes in Jamland dance school, between 2012-2014 she became a member of Art Kingdom. Since 2015 she is teaching and dancing at R3D ONE Dance Community. |
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Lilla Radóczi: Hip-Hop basics and choreography I am teaching hip-hop choreography, but we do some basics before we get to it. Musicality is really important for me, and the differences between movement qualities. I like to play with different textures in my choreographies. |
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ATTILA RÓNAI – dancer, choreographer He finished as a ballet artist at the Hungarian Dance Academy. During his studies he started to take contemporary classes too, and started to dance at the Willany Leó Improvisational Theater. He got involved in contemporary dance, and started to work with Gangary Dance Company, Central Europe Dance Theater, Inversedance, PR-Evolution Dance Company and Eva Duda Dance Company. In 2013 he started his international career, working with Kwaad Bloed – Ugo Dehaes in Brussels, and then became a member of Hofesch Shechter Company. After eight seasons, he started to work on his own creations. Meanwhile he also started to teach at company workshops, and was the assistant to Hofesh in a show with GöteborgOperans Danskompani. In 2019 he choreographed his first show on Nuova Officinal Della Danze, in Turin. |
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Attila Rónai: Groovy I am searching the way to find different energies, and how to get connected to our own body, across improvisation. Music is really important to me, this how I inspire dancers, to let go of ingrained movement, and help them find their own groove. |
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MÁTÉ MÉSZÁROS – dancer, choreographer Máté Mészáros graduated from the Hungarian Dance Academy in 1999. After three years at the Szeged Contemporary Ballet he has worked at various European dance companies, such as Carte Blanche (Norway), Lanònima Imperial (Spain), Ultima Vez (Belgium). |
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Máté Mészáros: Partnering technique On the workshop we go through various combinations to experience power, support, speed, acrobatic movements and the unique feeling of connection. Our body is the same in every movement and in any style, but the possibility to change is essential. We focus on the principal of adaptation during the workshop. Through several exercise, we establish a strong and united body. We focus on the timing and the sharp reactions towards our partner while we practice together. The material is based on several different ways of partnering which I learned through out my practices and on material that I developed during creations and research. Dynamic and powerful dance, where we only deal with physicality that defines the essential movements. |