Archive / FAUN
Choreographer: Eva Duda
passionate, cruel, instinctive
Inspired by the mystical- mythological figure of the faun, and by one of the most renowned interpretations, Afternoon of a Faun by Vaslav Nijinsky, Eva Duda created a thrilling and sultry fantasy world in which the Faun is performed by a single female dancer. The lonely faun opens up to strangers, her desires get fulfilled by heated interactions with other wild souls from her and our imagination. She surrenders to these weird creatures, until her curiosity gets exploited and she gets ruined, humiliated and emptied. All of the action takes place on water and grass, where everything is wet and slippery, evoking a world where our souls transform themselves back into an instinctive, animalistic, primal state. An impressive and passionate carnality, sliding on and flowing with the water, as well as its almost transfigured performers make Faun one of the most popular and expressive shows by the company.
Beatrix Simkó
Eszter Lázár
Beáta Egyed
Zoltán Grecsó
Gábor Bora
Márton Csuzi
Light Designer:
Péter Gerzson Kovács
Video, projection:
Márton Gothár
Grafic designer:
Ádám Lévai
Péter Kunert
Costume designer:
Richard Masa
50 minutes of wandering in another dimension
Dániel Dömölky