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FRIDA, the muse of life – National Dance Theater – Budapest

National Dance Theater Kis Rókus u. 16-20, Budapest, Magyarország

EVA DUDA DANCE COMPANY and the NATIONAL DANCE THEATRE BUDAPEST present: FRIDA – the muse of life visual dance theatre – exhibition of moving pictures   This spectacular show on the life and work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo leads the audience on a journey to an exotic dream world, based on the rich expressivity of music, dance and visual art. Like an exceptional guided exhibition, the dance pictures and images display the beauty and challenges of Frida’s destiny as a female artist, express the passionate nature of […]

FRIDA, the muse of life – National Dance Theater – Budapest

National Dance Theater Kis Rókus u. 16-20, Budapest, Magyarország

EVA DUDA DANCE COMPANY and the NATIONAL DANCE THEATRE BUDAPEST present: FRIDA – the muse of life visual dance theatre – exhibition of moving pictures   This spectacular show on the life and work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo leads the audience on a journey to an exotic dream world, based on the rich expressivity of music, dance and visual art. Like an exceptional guided exhibition, the dance pictures and images display the beauty and challenges of Frida’s destiny as a female artist, express the passionate nature of […]

FRIDA, the muse of life – Teatro Verdi Padova – Padova

Teatro Verdi Padova, Padova

EVA DUDA DANCE COMPANY and the NATIONAL DANCE THEATRE BUDAPEST present: FRIDA – the muse of life visual dance theatre – exhibition of moving pictures   This spectacular show on the life and work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo leads the audience on a journey to an exotic dream world, based on the rich expressivity of music, dance and visual art. Like an exceptional guided exhibition, the dance pictures and images display the beauty and challenges of Frida’s destiny as a female artist, express the passionate nature of […]

FRIDA, the muse of life – TEATRO COMUNALE – Belluno


EVA DUDA DANCE COMPANY and the NATIONAL DANCE THEATRE BUDAPEST present: FRIDA – the muse of life visual dance theatre – exhibition of moving pictures   This spectacular show on the life and work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo leads the audience on a journey to an exotic dream world, based on the rich expressivity of music, dance and visual art. Like an exceptional guided exhibition, the dance pictures and images display the beauty and challenges of Frida’s destiny as a female artist, express the passionate nature of […]

FRIDA, the muse of life – Teatro Massimo – Cagliari

Teatro Massimo, Cagliari

EVA DUDA DANCE COMPANY and the NATIONAL DANCE THEATRE BUDAPEST present: FRIDA – the muse of life visual dance theatre – exhibition of moving pictures   This spectacular show on the life and work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo leads the audience on a journey to an exotic dream world, based on the rich expressivity of music, dance and visual art. Like an exceptional guided exhibition, the dance pictures and images display the beauty and challenges of Frida’s destiny as a female artist, express the passionate nature of […]

FRIDA, the muse of life – Teatro Massimo – Cagliari

Teatro Massimo, Cagliari

EVA DUDA DANCE COMPANY and the NATIONAL DANCE THEATRE BUDAPEST present: FRIDA – the muse of life visual dance theatre – exhibition of moving pictures   This spectacular show on the life and work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo leads the audience on a journey to an exotic dream world, based on the rich expressivity of music, dance and visual art. Like an exceptional guided exhibition, the dance pictures and images display the beauty and challenges of Frida’s destiny as a female artist, express the passionate nature of […]

FRIDA, the muse of life – Nuovo Teatro Comunale – Sassari

Nuovo Teatro Comunale, Sassari

EVA DUDA DANCE COMPANY and the NATIONAL DANCE THEATRE BUDAPEST present: FRIDA – the muse of life visual dance theatre – exhibition of moving pictures   This spectacular show on the life and work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo leads the audience on a journey to an exotic dream world, based on the rich expressivity of music, dance and visual art. Like an exceptional guided exhibition, the dance pictures and images display the beauty and challenges of Frida’s destiny as a female artist, express the passionate nature of […]


MVM Dome

EVA DUDA DANCE COMPANY  presents: HAIR CONCERT-SHOW Peace - Love - Freedom Music: Galt MacDermot Lyrics: Jerome Ragni, James Rado An unforgettable experience with overwhelming stars, great live music, sensational dancers and an unforgettable spectacle! Artists: Sena Dagadu, Zoltán Bereczki, Mariann Falusi, Iván Vitáris, Giorgio Fekete, Tamás Veréb, Zóra Urbányi, Zsolt Szaszák, Luca Márkus, György Ferenczi, Bálint Ekanem, Bora Ferenczi At last, we can enjoy the groundbreaking songs of the cult film, the sounds of freedom on the stage of the MVM Dome! A huge party with […]