We happily announce that we broke records, as a total of 12,000 people saw us this year! This year, our repertoire performances such as FRIDA, the muse of life, RAMAZURI, and MIRROR took the spotlight, but many exciting things happened with us as well.
In the spring, we organized our first crowdfunding campaign, with 20 ambassadors standing by our side, raising support for our Company’s secure operation. Our campaign was recognized by the Art is Business professional jury with the “Innovative Artistic Initiative of the Year” award.
As one of the highlights of the year, we presented Bartók Béla’s “THE MIRACULOUS MANDARIN” as collaborators of the Budapest Festival Orchestra, which the audience could see at Müpa Budapest and then at the Santa Cecilia Hall in Rome.
And as another highlight of the year, we hosted our first EXCLUSIVE SUPPORTER GALA at the Vígszínház. The two-act evening recalled the milestones of our past 14 years and created exciting collaborations thanks to our wonderful guest performers.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our successes to make 2023 such a rich and special year!
After a short break, we will soon continue the year 2024 with renewed vigor and plenty of plans. Join us!